EY-Parthenon thought leadership publication: Technology drivers of the post-trade operations

2022 EY pdf

Highlighted in the recent EY-Parthenon thought leadership publication "Technology drivers of the post-trade operations":

Alphalion Technology has combined microservices architecture, cloud-native computing, and event streaming technologies to help capital markets participants modernize their post-trade process.

Bypassing the legacy technologies means that the new solutions can offer fully real-time processing and position valuation. The highly automated processing for multi assets, ranging from core assets to derivatives, currencies, and over-the-counter products, supports embedded workflow management and lifecycle management tools. The transparency and availability are also improved thanks to the use of new technologies.

The agile nature of such solution makes the solution more customizable, with flexible setup and by-module installation, and can be offered on a SaaS basis. While the system supports multi asset, it can be set up with one installation or implemented asset class by asset class. The compatibility features also support direct clearing for major global clearing houses and supports most of world's major exchanges in product processing.

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