Alphalion Technology

AWS Customer Stories Case:

Next-Gen Post-Trade Processing with SaaS Platform Running on AWS

AWS Customer Stories Case 2024

Alphalion Technology Delivers Next-Gen Post-Trade Processing with SaaS Platform Running on AWS

We're extremely honored to share that our success story has been chosen by AWS as a featured case study!

At Alphalion Technology, we've achieved remarkable growth by building our next-gen SaaS platform, Falcon, on the secure and scalable AWS infrastructure. Falcon simplifies real-time multi-asset post-trade processing for financial institutions globally.

Getting featured by AWS itself is a major milestone that validates our strategic relationship with them as a trusted cloud provider. This partnership has been pivotal for Alphalion's emergence as an industry disruptor.

By hosting Falcon on Amazon, we've reaped significant benefits:
🌍 Ability to expand globally with in-country data storage
⏳ 70% more time for innovation instead of infrastructure management
🏆 Customer advocacy thanks to Falcon's reliable high performance
👷 Continual platform improvements leveraging AWS services

We collaborated closely with the AWS team to design Falcon's cloud infrastructure for maximum security utilizing services like VPC, Direct Connect, IAM, seamless encryption with AWS KMS, etc.

We're proud of this featured case study milestone and excited to work even more closely with AWS going forward. As new technologies and tools emerge, we're happy to discover and adopt them together with our trusted cloud partner.

Read the full-featured case study at the link below.

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